The Game theory unfolds as two adventures are revealed simultaneously about an environmentalist and her grandfather, a Washington economist. Together they endure the collapse of society as man made and natural catastrophes are unleashed. This story evolves as their choices and lives begin influencing events in the future that impact, not only survival but recovery.
Less that 100 years after man has walked on the surface of the moon, the planet is now a wasteland of hopelessness where Mary’s grandson mostly confined in doors, discovers escape by playing old 21st century video games. Charlie is joined by network of other underground pirate Gamers that hack into the forbidden exclusive security access controlled remnantof the www.
In these fantasy worlds he dominates as the top player defeating any game and all challengers. However, once their illegal congregation is discovered, he is forced from his virtual existence, to dealing with reality the only way he knows how.
Charlie with his morphed feline features (a souvenir from the corporate vaccinations) ventures out as he begins his challenges to emerge, as the winner in this new Game.
WHY this website?
It is the ambition of the author to use this website to raise the funds to finish the screen play version of this book. In order to reach the widest audience possible, motion picture media is the quickest way to plant the message. Once, in the main stream, it will be possible to recruit the support and create the momentum needed to develop the Buffetts and Gates.
Please, read the entire book. This book is not a literary masterpiece; the use of fiction is the best way to get out the entire vision without having to defend every questionable element. Any help or suggestions are welcome. Like minded people need to unite against BIG OIL, BIG UTILITIES, BIG GOVERNMENT.
Any donation will be used to propagate this cause and progress will be transparent on this site. So read the book, help launch the movie, then watch for a Buffett opening near you. Support the Gates and look for Microsoft to release the KEY software.
Please, read the entire book. This book is not a literary masterpiece; the use of fiction is the best way to get out the entire vision without having to defend every questionable element. Any help or suggestions are welcome. Like minded people need to unite against BIG OIL, BIG UTILITIES, BIG GOVERNMENT.
Any donation will be used to propagate this cause and progress will be transparent on this site. So read the book, help launch the movie, then watch for a Buffett opening near you. Support the Gates and look for Microsoft to release the KEY software.